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The Debugger View

When the debugger starts, the Debugger View appears (at the bottom of CodeLite by default) with multiple tabs.

Debugger View

Tab Name Description
Locals Display a table / tree view of the current stack local variables + this
Watches Similar to the Locals tab, items displayed here needs to be added manually
Ascii Viewer Display raw view (without manipulating the output) of the item under the cursor
Call stack Display the program frames. Double clicking a line in the table will switch to that frame
Breakpoints List all breakpoints for the current debug session
Threads List all threads of the debuggee
Memory Show hex view of a given address
Output Show the interaction between CodeLite and gdb. This view is also interactive and you can interact with the debugger from this view. You also set Enable full debugger logging here to increase the verbosity level of the interaction (useful for debugging)
Disassemble Show assembly code for the current stack

Interacting with the debugger

Once the debugger is running a new toolbar will appear at the top left. You can Pause, Continue and Stop it from that toolbar.

Debugger Toolbar

When a breakpoint has been hit, you will often want to step through the next lines of code. The commands Next, Step In and Step Out (Finish) are available as keyboard shortcuts and from the Debug menu; there are also Next and Step In tools in the Debug section of the toolbar. The green "You are Here" arrow in the editor margin indicates which line is the current one. If you have been inspecting other parts of the source code, clicking the Show Current Line tool takes you back to that arrow

Key gdb's command Description
F5 run/cont Start the debugger, or Continue debugging after an Interrupt
F10 next Step over
F11 step Step into function
Shift+F11 finish Finish the execution of the current function (Step out)
F9 b file:line Insert or remove a breakpoint at the current line

In addition to the above, when the debugger starts up, a terminal window appears. This is normally just a nuisance, but it is where you'll find the output from stdout, stderr etc. You can also use it to supply input, for those rare situations where it's needed.


Using Breakpoints

During a debugging session, CodeLite can set breakpoints, temporary breakpoints and watchpoints. These can be conditional, ignored or disabled, and can be associated with command-lists. Breakpoints can be set by file/line-number, function or memory address.

Setting Breakpoints

Setting Breakpoints by line-number

This is the commonest type of breakpoint, and there are three ways to set one. The easiest is to click on the left margin of that line, just to the right of the line-number. This creates a new breakpoint on that line. Clicking on a line which already has a breakpoint deletes the breakpoint. Exactly the same could be done by using the DebugToggle Breakpoint menuitem, or the associated shortcut, F9 by default.

Another way is via the margin's context menu. As well as adding a normal breakpoint, this also lets you add a temporary or a conditional one. If, as shown, the right-click was over an existing breakpoint, there are also options to remove, ignore, edit and disable that breakpoint.

Below, margin context menu:


The third way to add a line-number breakpoint is from the Breakpoints tab of the Debugger pane, as described below. A breakpoint on a line is indicated by an icon in the margin. There are icons for each type of breakpoint:

bp types


A breakpoint icon's tooltip displays information about the breakpoint e.g. its condition or commands

Setting other types of Breakpoint

Setting a breakpoint on a function or at a memory address can only be done from the 'Create a breakpoint...' dialog. To run this dialog, click the Add button in the Breakpoints tab of the debugger view


This dialog lets you add a breakpoint by line-number/file as above, or by function e.g. MyClass::Foo or memory e.g. 0x12345678. At the same time you can add any condition e.g. n < 2, and/or commands to run when the breakpoint is hit. You can also make the breakpoint be disabled, temporary, or set its ignore level

Editing Breakpoints

If you right-click over a breakpoint symbol, the resulting context menu allows you to set the 'ignore' level of the breakpoint and to disable/enable it. You can also edit a breakpoint using a version of the Create a breakpoint... dialog. To obtain this:

  • Choose Edit from the breakpoint's context menu
  • Right Button the breakpoint's entry in the Breakpoints tab of the Debugger Pane
  • Select it in that tab and click Edit


You can create and edit a breakpoint even before the debugger starts. Similarly, existing breakpoints will remembered by CodeLite when the debugging session finishes; indeed they are serialised.

If you have a breakpoint, and you need it on a different line, you can move it there by drag-and-drop, using Shift+Left Button That's not particularly exciting if it's just a standard breakpoint (it would have been at least as easy to delete it and create a new one); but if the breakpoint has complicated commands or conditions, it saves you having to enter these again

You may wish to set breakpoints inside a shared library that will be loaded by your program. In theory, you can warn gdb that you're doing this by checking the Enable pending breakpoints box in the Debugger Settings dialog (SettingsGDB SettingsGeneral); in practice this doesn't always work. So CodeLite stores any breakpoints that gdb can't apply; when this happens, an extra button appears in the Breakpoints tab of the Debugger Pane, Set Pending. Clicking this tells gdb to try again; if it succeeds, the button will disappear again and the breakpoint entries and markers will become visible.

The dialog is identical to the Create one, except that there's an extra option of disabling/enabling the breakpoint This dialog has informative tooltips, to help you set more complex breakpoints correctly.



A watchpoint is similar to a breakpoint but, instead of breaking when that code is hit, it breaks when a variable (or an area of memory) is changed or accessed see here for more information

You can only set a watchpoint from the Create a breakpoint... dialog as described above. Use the choice at the top of the dialog to create a watchpoint instead. Again the tooltips should be helpful


The most common situation for wanting to use a watchpoint is to watch for alterations to a variable. However, as soon as that variable loses scope, gdb deletes the watchpoint. This makes it difficult to watch a local variable.

Context menus

Once the debug-session starts, the editor context menu (right-click menu), offers extra options:

  • Run to cursor - instructs the debugger to resume debugging, then break at the line containing the cursor.
  • Add Watch - adds the currently selected item (or if there's no selection, it uses the word under the cursor) to the Watches tab.
  • Jump to caret line - skip execution direcrly to a specific line in the source code

Even when the debugger isn't running, right-clicking on a margin gives the opportunity to enter a breakpoint. Once it is running, Run to here is available too.

Pretty printing

GDB pretty printing is a gdb feature that allows gdb to display complex objects (and other containers) in a more friendly way. For example, when gdb pretty printing is disabled, viewing an STL map is pretty much useless. Consider the following code:

typedef std::map<std::string, int> StringToIntMap_t;
StringToIntMap_t mymap;
mymap.insert({"String One", 1});
mymap.insert({"String Two", 2});
mymap.insert({"String Three", 3});

Without pretty printing enabled, viewing mymap in the Locals view will give you this:

No Pretty Printing

Once enabled from: SettingsGDB SettingsDisplayEnable GDB Pretty printing The display view changes into this:

No Pretty Printing

Setting up pretty printing


Before you can enable this feature within CodeLite, make sure that your gdb supports python (on most Linux systems this is the default)

  • Make sure to point CodeLite to the correct gdb. You can do this from the main menu SettingsGDB SettingsGNU gdb debuggerGeneral and select the new gdb in the Debugger path field.
  • Once everything is set up properly, go to CodeLite's menu bar: SettingsGDB SettingsGNU gdb debuggerGeneral and enable the option Enable GDB pretty printing
  • Still in the gdb settings dialog, switch to the Startup commands tab and paste the following content:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "${CODELITE_GDB_PRINTERS_DIR}")
from libstdcxx.v6.printers import register_libstdcxx_printers
from wx import register_wx_printers


Note: make sure to replace PATH_TO_CODELITE_SETTINGS_FOLDER with the correct path to your gdb_printers (CodeLite creates this directory when it is launched for the first time). Under Linux, you should replace it with: ~/.codelite/gdb_printers, and under Windows it will be %APPDATA%/CodeLite/gdb_printers


Under Windows, make sure you use forward slashes to your gdb_printers directory so it should look something like this: C:/Users/you/AppData/Roaming/codelite/gdb_printers

Click OK and on the next debugging session, your pretty printing should be enabled

macOS - codesign gdb

On macOS you will need to codesign your gdb executable.

First, install the latest gdb using brew:

  • brew install gdb
  • Copy the below content into a script and give it execution permission chmod +x


function error() {
    echo error: "$@"
    exit 1

function cleanup {
    # Remove generated files
    rm -f "$TMPDIR/$CERT.tmpl" "$TMPDIR/$CERT.cer" "$TMPDIR/$CERT.key" > /dev/null 2>&1

trap cleanup EXIT

# Check if the certificate is already present in the system keychain
security find-certificate -Z -p -c "$CERT" /Library/Keychains/System.keychain > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo Certificate has already been generated and installed
    exit 0

# Create the certificate template
cat <<EOF >$TMPDIR/$CERT.tmpl
[ req ]
default_bits       = 2048        # RSA key size
encrypt_key        = no          # Protect private key
default_md         = sha512      # MD to use
prompt             = no          # Prompt for DN
distinguished_name = codesign_dn # DN template
[ codesign_dn ]
commonName         = "$CERT"
[ codesign_reqext ]
keyUsage           = critical,digitalSignature
extendedKeyUsage   = critical,codeSigning

echo Generating and installing gdb_codesign certificate

# Generate a new certificate
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -config "$TMPDIR/$CERT.tmpl" -extensions codesign_reqext -batch -out "$TMPDIR/$CERT.cer" -keyout "$TMPDIR/$CERT.key" > /dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] || error Something went wrong when generating the certificate

# Install the certificate in the system keychain
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -p codeSign -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain "$TMPDIR/$CERT.cer" > /dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] || error Something went wrong when installing the certificate

# Install the key for the certificate in the system keychain
sudo security import "$TMPDIR/$CERT.key" -A -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain > /dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] || error Something went wrong when installing the key

# Kill task_for_pid access control daemon
sudo pkill -f /usr/libexec/taskgated > /dev/null 2>&1

# Exit indicating the certificate is now generated and installed
exit 0
  • Run the script
  • Open the Keychain Access application, locate the gdb_codesign certificate, double click it and change the Trust to Always Trust
  • On macOS Mojave and later, you will also need:

macOS Mojave and later

  • Create a file named gdb.xml with the following content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
- Reboot your mac

  • Save it and run codesign: codesign --entitlements gdb.xml -fs gdb_codesign /usr/local/bin/gdb

macOS older than macOS Mojave

  • codesign gdb like this: codesign -fs gdb_codesign /usr/local/bin/gdb
  • Reboot your mac
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