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We provide pre-built binaries for Windows for both 32 and 64 bit. visit CodeLite downloads page and pick the version you want.

Note that there are two variants to choose from:

  • Stable release: more stable releases, released 1-2 per year.
  • Weekly builds: more frequent releases. If you wish to experiment with the latest features, pick this variant. Note that despite their name, these releases are very stable.


Since version 16.1.0, CodeLite installation method is by using brew

  • Install brew from here
  • Open and type:
# the below is only needed once
brew tap eranif/codelite

# update the cache
brew update

# install CodeLite
brew reinstall --cask codelite-official

# in order to avoid macOS errors about "damaged app can't be opened"...
xattr -cr /Applications/
  • CodeLite should now be installed under /Applications/


Ubuntu / Debian


This page gives links to the available binary packages for CodeLite 17.0. Its RAD plugin wxCrafter, which is now Free Open-Source Software, is included in all the CodeLite packages.

Note that the CodeLite packages incorporate the required wxWidgets libraries (wx3.2.0 or wx3.2.1), so there is no need to install wxWidgets too. Of course you can if you wish, and you'll need to do so to build apps against wxWidgets.

Ubuntu 16.04 ( xenial ) and later have official CodeLite packages. Therefore, to avoid a name-clash, our CodeLite packages have unofficial appended to the name.

To download CodeLite for Debian based systems (Debian / Mint / Ubuntu etc):

  • Add the CodeLite public key to avoid warnings or worse from apt/aptitude
wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/CodeLite.asc
  • Now let apt know that the repositories exist by adding the proper line from Table 1 or 2:
    • If you use an apt front-end e.g. synaptic, tell it to Add a repository, using as data the appropriate entry from the tables below
    • If you do things by hand, add the appropriate URLs from the tables to /etc/apt/sources.list (you need to become superuser) :

For example, if you use Ubuntu jammy (22.04), either open /etc/apt/sources.list in an editor (as superuser) and append the proper line from Table 1, or else use apt-add-repository in a terminal:

 sudo apt-add-repository 'deb jammy universe'

Table 1: CodeLite repositories (GTK+3):

Distro/release Lines to append
debian bullseye deb bullseye devel
ubuntu jammy deb jammy universe
ubuntu kinetic deb kinetic universe
  • You then need to update your repositories. In synaptic, click the Reload button. If you're doing things by hand, do:
 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install codelite


The Ubuntu packages should also work on other ubuntu flavours e.g. xubuntu, and on derivatives e.g. Mint.


You can see which versions are available by doing:

 apt-cache madison codelite

Then you can select which version to install. For example, to prefer the official 14.0 package in debian bullseye, use the line:

 sudo apt install codelite=14.0*


You can see which versions are available in the 'Versions' tab of Properties. Then use Package > Force Version followed by Apply. You may wish also to use Package > Lock Version.

Official versus unofficial CodeLite packages

For a long time the official debian and ubuntu repositories supplied only the ancient CodeLite 6.1. However since ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) it has been updated to CodeLite 9.1 or later, and debian stretch has 10.0. This is very welcome, but creates a name-clash with any packages we supply. Therefore, starting with CodeLite 9.2, our debian packages have unofficial added to the version e.g. codelite_17.0-1unofficial.bullseye_amd64.deb

This allows you to select which to install using apt (or aptitude or synaptic).

CodeLite RPMs

There are rpms available for fedora 37 & 38 and 39 & 40, and openSUSE Leap 15.4 15.5 & 15.6:

Distro x86_64 GTK+3
fedora 37 and 38 39 and 40
openSUSE 15.4 15.5 15.6

First tell rpm about the CodeLite public key. As superuser run:

 rpm --import

Then either download the required rpm and install it as usual, or download and install in one step; e.g.

  rpm -Uvh

There are also source rpms for fedora and OpenSUSE


CodeLite is available on ArchLinux via their AUR repository To install CodeLite:

yaourt -S codelite

Previous CodeLite releases

See this page for links to Linux packages from previous CodeLite and wxCrafter releases.

wxCrafter binary packages

As the above CodeLite 17.0 packages already contain wxCrafter, its gui-designer plugin, there is no need for a separate download. However if you wish to use wxCrafter with CodeLite 12.0 or older, please see this page.

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