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The Remoty plugin is an extension to the File System Workspace. It allows the user to open File System Workspace based workspaces that resides on a remote machine over SSH.

All the commands set in the workspace, are executed on the remote machine via codelite-remote (see below)


Before you can use Remoty, there are some setup steps needed to be performed on the remote and on the local machine

Local machine

  • From the main menu bar: open PluginsManage plugins and make sure that Remoty plugin is checked
  • Make sure you have a working MSYS2 environment
  • From the main menu bar: open SettingsEnvironment Variables
  • Add the following line: PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;$PATH
  • Ensure you have a working ssh command line and its in your PATH
  • You are able to SSH to the remote machine without password (only via keys)
  • Make sure your have /usr/bin/ssh in your PATH (should be by default)
  • You are able to SSH to the remote machine without password (only via keys)

Remote machine

  • Python3 installed and in the PATH environment variable of the remote machine

Open an existing workspace

  • From the main menu bar: FileOpenOpen Workspace
  • In the Switch to workspace dialog that opened, click on the bottom Browse button (from the Remote workspace line)
  • Select the workspace file on the remote machine
  • Click OK

Creating a new workspace

Creating a new workspace is similar to creating a File System Workspace, the difference is that the folder is located on the remote machine.

Remote configuration - codelite-remote.json

CodeLite uses a special file WORKSPACE_PATH/.codelite/codelite-remote.json to configure remote tools for the following plugins:

If this file does not exist for you, you can create a skeleton file by:

  • Right click on the top level folder in the tree view
  • Choose Edit codelite-remote.json
  • Edit the file (update the commands, delete unwanted entries etc)
  • Save the file
  • Once this file is saved a workspace reload should be done

Fo example, when using C++, the skeleton file should look like this:

  "Language Server Plugin": {
    "servers": [
        "command": "/usr/bin/clangd --limit-results=500 --header-insertion-decorators=1",
        "env": [],
        "name": "clangd",
        "working_directory": "$(WorkspacePath)"
  "Source Code Formatter": {
    "tools": [
        "command": "jq . -S $(CurrentFileRelPath)",
        "name": "jq",
        "working_directory": "$(WorkspacePath)"
        "command": "clang-format $(CurrentFileRelPath)",
        "name": "clang-format",
        "working_directory": "$(WorkspacePath)"


Each entry in the file: codelite-remote.json MUST match a configuration entry in your UI Entries that do not have a matching UI entry are ignored

e.g. if you add a language server entry named clangd, you must have an entry named clangd defined under PluginsLanguage ServerSettings...

The same applies for the Source Code Formatter entries


All the command entries in the codelite-remote.json should be able to run on the remote machine

e.g. in the above example, /usr/bin/clangd should exist in the remote machine. CodeLite will launch this language server on the remote machine

Supported features

The current features supported by Remoty

How does it work?

Under the hood, CodeLite uploads to the remote machine a python script codelite-remote This script serves as a proxy server capable of executing commands on behalf of CodeLite

For example, running ps -ef|grep codelite-remote on the remote machine will output this:

eran@DESKTOP-F7URLL7:~/devl/codelite/docs$ ps -ef|grep codelite-remote
eran     17131 17117  0 16:47 ?        00:00:00 python3 /home/eran/devl/codelite/docs/.codelite/codelite-remote --context finder
eran     17132 17107  0 16:47 ?        00:00:00 python3 /home/eran/devl/codelite/docs/.codelite/codelite-remote --context builder
eran     17133 17130  0 16:47 ?        00:00:00 python3 /home/eran/devl/codelite/docs/.codelite/codelite-remote --context git
eran     17248    10  0 16:47 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto codelite-remote
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